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Dear Admins (eso va por mí

Many people in the community have been asking about the next Patch, questions about when it will come and what it will contain. We have just started posting information about this, which you can find in this thread: ... hp?t=57207
The purpose of this thread is to provide information, but please recognize that this information is preliminary so even if something appears on the pre-Patch target list now, it may not be included on the final list. The final list will be given out with the Patch after it's completed it's journey through QA.
We will update this thread often with new information about the next Patch, so please be patient if your suggestion or issue is not in the list yet. It may be included in our next update.
Clicking on hero statues will now trigger a visual effect to show that an XP bonus was given to the player
Throwing daggers are now dependent on dexterity and not strength
Pressing [print] will now create a screenshot even if a dialog window is open, however the window itself will only be seen on the screenshot when both [ctrl] and [print] are pressed
The bonus “mortal strike” no longer stacks. This led to a decreased amount of total hit points down to 1 hp at worst case
Malicious Totem, Black Curse and Viperish Disease are now fixed
Several localization issues have been corrected
"Forest Guardian" mini-boss now has the level of the player in the vicinity, not the level of the first player on the server
Anca Adelina Finta
Community Management Team
ASCARON Entertainment