Hielo Y Sangre (ice & Blood)-add-on Para Sacred 2

Re: Hielo Y Sangre (ice & Blood)-add-on Para Sacred 2

NotaAutor: Matxakeitor » Martes, 22 Septiembre 2009, 13:57

"In Elven history books, the battle in the south east of Ancaria is known as the „Battle of the Mages”. The exact date when this battle took place is unknown. The historical traditions are sparse and inconsistent. Only one fact is known for sure: in those days, two armies of mages clashed in an intense and fierce battle. The destructive magic energy that was set free during this battle invoked a curse upon the entire region, destroying all forms of life and twisting nature into something bizarre. The screams of the fallen still drift through the gloomy haze. Hideous trees stand gnarled in lakes of blood, evil flying gazers attack everything they see, attempting to drain their victim’s life essence… Nothing in this region is really alive; whatever appears to be alive, is just a grotesque distortion of reality.

The undead remains of the former warriors are dwelling in the shadows of the cursed forest. Permanently attacked by strangely mutated creatures while at the same time dependent on the baleful magical powers that sustain their undead existence, they continue to fight a never-ending battle.

Only a true hero will be able to make his way to the center of the Cursed Forest, find the source of evil magic, dispel the curse and maybe unravel the mystery of the cursed forest."

You can watch the movie here: http://forum.sacredeng.ascaron-net.com/ ... hp?t=65897

"Soy bilbaino bilbaino. Allá por donde voy lo digo. Tenemos fama de faroles, sí­, pero faroles que alumbran" (Miguel Álvarez, mi aita)
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Re: Hielo Y Sangre (ice & Blood)-add-on Para Sacred 2

NotaAutor: Alex Magicus » Martes, 22 Septiembre 2009, 16:06

Es una mezlca entre la jungla de Maguuma de Guild Wars, las tripas de Halo 3 y el planeta vegetacion de SW: el poder de la fuerza xDD
Es tenebrosa...prefiero la nieve :3

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Re: Hielo Y Sangre (ice & Blood)-add-on Para Sacred 2

NotaAutor: Zodiac » Miércoles, 23 Septiembre 2009, 17:33

Vale señores, traigo buenas nuevas.
Acabo de preguntar en el foro oficial inglés de Sacred 2, donde ya tienen instalada la expansión, y la duda queda resuelta:

Nuestros personajes de red cerrada no van a ser borrados tras instalar la expansión.


Re: Hielo Y Sangre (ice & Blood)-add-on Para Sacred 2

NotaAutor: Matxakeitor » Viernes, 25 Septiembre 2009, 14:28

Today we have the chance to take a look at the English Readme file containing also the Final Feature List for the Sacred 2 Addon "Ice&Blood".

"The current version of Sacred 2 - "Ice & Blood" contains several bugfixes as well as these recently implemented features:

Customisability It is possible to change the skin colour during character creation, whenever a new character is created. You can now select several hairstyles for all female possible to change the carrier imp’s skin colour during character creation.
Carrier Imp The carrier imp is now available in every game mode.

Magic Missile Each character, who has learned the skill Magic Staffs is now able to fire magic missiles with staffs. Thus, Wizards gain a long-range weapon that increases intelligence. The attack mode reverts to close combat as soon as the enemy engages in close combat.

Permanent Teleport It is now possible to teleport to all revealed portals by opening the map ("m") and clicking on any portal icon. This also applies to the last Resurrection Monolith that has been visited.

New Mounts In the "Ice & Blood" expansion, new mounts such as Unicorns and Flamehorses have become available. New and unique versions of all special mounts are also available now.

Instant Casts While in this mode, combat arts can be triggered by a shortcut. They will be cast immediately on the currently selected target. Select a target by left-clicking on it with the mouse. You can activate this mode in the options menu.

"Expert Touch" You can now select how your combat arts should regenerate. Previously, once a combat art had been used, the respective aspect was unavailable while the combat art regenerated; combat arts from other aspects were still available.
If you prefer to focus mainly on one aspect you should consider the new regeneration system where you can select to have combat arts regenerated by all aspects. Therefore, you will be able to use your favourite combat art and aspect again faster than you would with the default system, but it will prevent you from using combat arts from other aspects during the regeneration period..

Character transfer from the closed.net Characters, that have been created in closed.net, can now be exported to your computer. Thus, you can play your characters offline as well as in LAN-sessions.

New Items Many new items for all characters as well as an entirely new character – the Dragon Mage - have been implemented into the game.

New Camera In Sacred: "Ice & Blood", the camera system has been changed to a free customisable camera system, which can be adjusted to meet the players’ needs."

You can download the whole English Readme from here.

Siendo Here el documento de word que pongo de adjunto

"Soy bilbaino bilbaino. Allá por donde voy lo digo. Tenemos fama de faroles, sí­, pero faroles que alumbran" (Miguel Álvarez, mi aita)
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Registrado: Viernes, 03 Febrero 2006, 10:57
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Re: Hielo Y Sangre (ice & Blood)-add-on Para Sacred 2

NotaAutor: Matxakeitor » Viernes, 25 Septiembre 2009, 15:59

The Sacred 2 Addon "Ice & Blood" will be released at 2nd October for the international community of Deep Silver.

The link to the news thread including the shops is here:

http://forum.sacredeng.ascaron-net.com/ ... post617401

(espero que alguien se lea estas cosas xD )

"Soy bilbaino bilbaino. Allá por donde voy lo digo. Tenemos fama de faroles, sí­, pero faroles que alumbran" (Miguel Álvarez, mi aita)
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Registrado: Viernes, 03 Febrero 2006, 10:57
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Re: Hielo Y Sangre (ice & Blood)-add-on Para Sacred 2

NotaAutor: Alex Magicus » Viernes, 25 Septiembre 2009, 16:06

:3 Osea que ahora se premia usar solo un apartado...

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Alex Magicus
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Re: Hielo Y Sangre (ice & Blood)-add-on Para Sacred 2

NotaAutor: Matxakeitor » Jueves, 01 Octubre 2009, 09:28

The "Ice & Blood" head start of the German community gave us the possibility to set up some answers to the questions you may pose after the release. This thread will be updated as soon as we have new items for it.
Along with the list we posted, you will find also helpful hints other players wish to share with you.

You can find the Ice & Blood FAQ Thread here:

http://forum.sacredeng.ascaron-net.com/ ... post618330

"Soy bilbaino bilbaino. Allá por donde voy lo digo. Tenemos fama de faroles, sí­, pero faroles que alumbran" (Miguel Álvarez, mi aita)
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Registrado: Viernes, 03 Febrero 2006, 10:57
Ubicación: En el foro, desde octubre del 2004 sin encontrar la salida
Género: Hombre

Re: Hielo Y Sangre (ice & Blood)-add-on Para Sacred 2

NotaAutor: warriorc » Jueves, 01 Octubre 2009, 10:45

Confirmado que esta Expansion esta fisicamente en mi tienda de juegos^^ (aunque no lo venden hasta mañana).
Por lo menos no hay mas retrasos.


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Re: Hielo Y Sangre (ice & Blood)-add-on Para Sacred 2

NotaAutor: gabbers » Viernes, 02 Octubre 2009, 17:07

He visto ahora mismo el juego en el game de mi tierra (sevilla) y si señores, increible , 14.95 €, la expansion que incluye solo un personaje varios enemigos nuevos, 2 zonas y varias armas mas.....cuesta exactamente igual que el juego original, bah!!

para lo que he jugado con este online... editado por jyseg: NO se tolera piratería en este foro. Estás avisado
Última edición por gabbers el Sábado, 03 Octubre 2009, 08:01, editado 1 vez en total


Re: Hielo Y Sangre (ice & Blood)-add-on Para Sacred 2

NotaAutor: Naith » Domingo, 04 Octubre 2009, 02:22

Pues yo ya lo he comprado y lo estaba probando y puff!! q problemas me ha dado xD

1º me va relentizado, el sacred 2 normal me iba muy bien, y con grafica Alta.

2º se te traba al entrar en cuevas, feo feo xD

3º sali un momento del juego, y al entrar ya no me deja entrar al pto de encuentro:S
Osea, q no puedo jugar ahora mismo online.

Eso es lo q he visto en la hora q llevo con él despues de instalarlo.




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