Nuevo Parche

Re: Nuevo Parche

NotaAutor: HeXaN » Martes, 25 Noviembre 2008, 14:35

[quote=Ascaron]Many people in the community have been asking about the next Patch, questions about when it will come and what it will contain. The purpose of this thread is to provide information, but please recognize that any timeframes are estimates only and not engraved in stone.

In a few weeks we're hoping to have a Patch for you. Please do not confuse a Patch with a Hotfix. As the name implies, a Hotfix is intended specifically address a small number of few urgent points within a short time. The Patch, or Content Update, will do much more. The Patch will include plenty of important fixes, but will also add new content desired by the community and developers.

All the teams work on this at the same time, but on separate items, so sometimes it happens that some things are done sooner than others. As the items with longer time requirements are resolved, they may result in changes to the overall plan (either in terms of the date it will be available, or the content it includes).

Please remember, this information is preliminary so even if something appears on the pre-Patch target list now, it may not be included on the final list. The final list will be given out with the Patch after it's completed it's journey through QA. The QA part of the development cycle is the thing that usually requires most of the time.

The time window we are hoping for is around the end of November, but this date is subject to change for the reasons described above. When we have the exact date for you we will be sure to announce it as quickly as possible. In the meantime, in order to keep you informed about what to expect, we'll be posting some of the planned changed and tested items in this thread.

We will update this thread often with information about the status of the Patch, so please be patient if your suggestion or issue is not in the list yet. It may be included in our next update.
  • Fixed several possible causes for crashes
  • Added a new ingame-options menu
  • Added several new bosses to reward exploration
  • Added 8 new portals for more convenient traveling in Ancaria
  • Better path navigation in some areas
  • Improved targeting with combos
  • Several minor fixes for Combat Arts
  • Fixed some cases where FPS would suddenly randomly drop
  • Corrected cases where PvP attacks were incorrectly allowed in some cities
  • End boss uses more special abilities
  • Increased the difficulty of creatures in Dungeon areas
  • Mainquest related holograms in the jungle area are now working correctly
  • The Questlog does not need to be activated after exit/load anymore
  • Fixed cases where the Inquisitor’s armor and clothes were detached from body with certain graphic settings
  • New engine “level-of-detail” graphical system for better general performance
  • Corrected situation where buffs could not be activated when there was nothing (individual art or combo) placed in the combat art slots
  • Improved quality of some drops when perception skill mastery level attained
  • Increased drop rate of Set-items
  • Improved drop reward as result of completing sidequests
  • PvP: Corrected a problem where a teleporting player could incorrectly be attacked during his fade-in
  • In MP the difficulty of the enemies is not global for the whole server anymore. If two or more players with different levels play in different parts of the world, each player has their own enemies with their own spawn levels.


A ver si leemos un poquito...


Re: Nuevo Parche

NotaAutor: hacko2 » Martes, 25 Noviembre 2008, 14:56

HeXaN Wrote:[quote=Ascaron]Many people in the community have been asking about the next Patch, questions about when it will come and what it will contain. The purpose of this thread is to provide information, but please recognize that any timeframes are estimates only and not engraved in stone.

In a few weeks we're hoping to have a Patch for you. Please do not confuse a Patch with a Hotfix. As the name implies, a Hotfix is intended specifically address a small number of few urgent points within a short time. The Patch, or Content Update, will do much more. The Patch will include plenty of important fixes, but will also add new content desired by the community and developers.

All the teams work on this at the same time, but on separate items, so sometimes it happens that some things are done sooner than others. As the items with longer time requirements are resolved, they may result in changes to the overall plan (either in terms of the date it will be available, or the content it includes).

Please remember, this information is preliminary so even if something appears on the pre-Patch target list now, it may not be included on the final list. The final list will be given out with the Patch after it's completed it's journey through QA. The QA part of the development cycle is the thing that usually requires most of the time.

The time window we are hoping for is around the end of November, but this date is subject to change for the reasons described above. When we have the exact date for you we will be sure to announce it as quickly as possible. In the meantime, in order to keep you informed about what to expect, we'll be posting some of the planned changed and tested items in this thread.

We will update this thread often with information about the status of the Patch, so please be patient if your suggestion or issue is not in the list yet. It may be included in our next update.
  • Fixed several possible causes for crashes
  • Added a new ingame-options menu
  • Added several new bosses to reward exploration
  • Added 8 new portals for more convenient traveling in Ancaria
  • Better path navigation in some areas
  • Improved targeting with combos
  • Several minor fixes for Combat Arts
  • Fixed some cases where FPS would suddenly randomly drop
  • Corrected cases where PvP attacks were incorrectly allowed in some cities
  • End boss uses more special abilities
  • Increased the difficulty of creatures in Dungeon areas
  • Mainquest related holograms in the jungle area are now working correctly
  • The Questlog does not need to be activated after exit/load anymore
  • Fixed cases where the Inquisitor’s armor and clothes were detached from body with certain graphic settings
  • New engine “level-of-detail” graphical system for better general performance
  • Corrected situation where buffs could not be activated when there was nothing (individual art or combo) placed in the combat art slots
  • Improved quality of some drops when perception skill mastery level attained
  • Increased drop rate of Set-items
  • Improved drop reward as result of completing sidequests
  • PvP: Corrected a problem where a teleporting player could incorrectly be attacked during his fade-in
  • In MP the difficulty of the enemies is not global for the whole server anymore. If two or more players with different levels play in different parts of the world, each player has their own enemies with their own spawn levels.

A ver si leemos un poquito...[/quote]

y si no supiera ingles? xDDD

el caso esqe dice al finalizar noviembre pero no especifica dia ni nada, espero que sea esta semana que ya no aguanto massss :wallb:


Re: Nuevo Parche

NotaAutor: HeXaN » Martes, 25 Noviembre 2008, 14:57

Que use un traductor de los miles que hay.


Re: Nuevo Parche

NotaAutor: Matxakeitor » Martes, 25 Noviembre 2008, 14:59

o que se tome una tila, que más da que sea el 25 de noviembre que el 3 de diciembre

Off topic by Serafone

Lo puse en el post ese de "Que pasa en MP" :up:

"Soy bilbaino bilbaino. Allá por donde voy lo digo. Tenemos fama de faroles, sí­, pero faroles que alumbran" (Miguel Álvarez, mi aita)
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Re: Nuevo Parche

NotaAutor: serafone » Martes, 25 Noviembre 2008, 16:00

Paciencia Hackooo ^^
Que todo llega.

OffT> Pues ahora lo miro.

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Re: Nuevo Parche

NotaAutor: Matxakeitor » Miércoles, 26 Noviembre 2008, 16:59

Dear Admins,

We've updated our patch info thread again, to include the following new items on the list:

The teleporters in cities will be activated as soon as the city is discovered
PvP: The difficulty/danger circle now shows under mounted players
Corrected a problem where the Temple Guardian did not move to attack when mounted on a horse
Corrected a problem where Jyseg´s inquisitor began smoking hachis after killing a boss

If you missed any of the previous updates, you can find all the information released so far here: ... hp?t=50951

"Soy bilbaino bilbaino. Allá por donde voy lo digo. Tenemos fama de faroles, sí­, pero faroles que alumbran" (Miguel Álvarez, mi aita)
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Registrado: Viernes, 03 Febrero 2006, 10:57
Ubicación: En el foro, desde octubre del 2004 sin encontrar la salida
Género: Hombre

Re: Nuevo Parche

NotaAutor: serafone » Miércoles, 26 Noviembre 2008, 17:02

¿Y qué hay del bug de las monturas que no vienen cuando les silbas?
¿Y del Carnachazo?
¿Y qué pasa con los archivos temporales? ¿Van a corregirlo, o tendremos que borrarlos manualmente todo el rato?
¿Y qué hay de los niños? ¿Es que nadie piensa en los niños?

¿O terminará siendo esto como Neverwinter 2, donde el parche 1.9 arreglaba lo estropeado en el 1.8 y estropeaba los arreglos del 1.5?

Muchas preguntas para tan pocas respuestas. Fallen Bug nos acabará decepcionando. Mándale un mail a la Yona Ivanova ésa de Ascaron y le dices de mi parte que venga: espabilando señora.


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Registrado: Martes, 23 Mayo 2006, 23:29
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Re: Nuevo Parche

NotaAutor: LinxMelq » Miércoles, 26 Noviembre 2008, 17:43

Matxakeitor Wrote:Corrected a problem where Jyseg´s inquisitor began smoking hachis after killing a boss

No veo el problema :blink:


Re: Nuevo Parche

NotaAutor: crak » Miércoles, 26 Noviembre 2008, 21:48

serafone Wrote:¿Y qué pasa con los archivos temporales? ¿Van a corregirlo, o tendremos que borrarlos manualmente todo el rato?
¿Y qué hay de los niños? ¿Es que nadie piensa en los niños?

Que temporales te refieres? a los de windows o algunos del juego que crea? cual es la ruta?

respecto a lo de los niños... me tienes que pasar esa mierda que fumas, debe ser muy buena por lo que veo :matxa:


Re: Nuevo Parche

NotaAutor: serafone » Jueves, 27 Noviembre 2008, 05:26

Me refiero a los archivos temporales que el juego crea, y se borran con este programa: ... 182&t=8130

Algo que figura como nota en este mismo foro y no has leído. Y deberías leer los avisos principales antes de participar en una conversación, para al menos así guardar una coherencia con lo que se está hablando.

La frase: "¿Y qué hay de los niños? ¿Es que nadie piensa en los niños?" es un cliché televisivo, tomado de la mujer del reverendo Lovejoy, en los Simpsons. Es una crítica mordaz e inteligente contra la pseudomoralidad de la comunidad religiosa norteamericana, que a menudo utiliza el argumento de la defensa de los "inocentes y débiles" para que ello sirva a sus fines personales. Leído en mi post anterior, no es más que una broma para alegrar el tema, como cualquier otra.

Respecto a la mierda que fumo, no fumo mierda. La fumarás tú quizá, pero yo desde siempre he pensado que la droga es para gente sin voluntad, y así se lo inculco a mis hijos, quienes afortunadamente, lo han aprendido.

Saludos y sigue haciendo amigos por aquí. Ya van dos veces que te sobras por la cara, en sólo siete posts:
alguno de vosotros tiene el modo ironico en off?? creo que no, o eso o estais como una chota, hablando entre admins y moderadores como si fuerais novatos en el foro XD

Si no entiendes nuestras bromas es porque no nos conoces lo suficiente; ergo si no nos conoces lo suficiente, no te tomes esas confianzas conmigo, si eres tan amable.

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Registrado: Martes, 23 Mayo 2006, 23:29
Ubicación: The Great Britain
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