Pues parece que sacredwiki ya no esta en mantenimiento, con lo cual volvemos a tener la wiki del sacred c:
"WE'RE BAAACK! July 25th, 2013 After a long absence, the SacredWiki is back in action! Well... Mostly. The wiki has undergone several major upgrades - the software that runs the wiki, the database backbone and the intervening software engine that makes it all work all got a much needed upgrade! As such, with all that upgrading that went on, some things got broken. There are still a few items that don't quite work as yet, but we're getting there. If you happen to find something that isn't working, coughing up a database error, please feel free to report it at our sister site, darkmatters.org"
Fuente: http://www.sacredwiki.org/index.php/SacredWiki