Muy buenas !!!! me alegro de poder acercaros mas novedades sobre Nightfall !!! leed con atencion:
Han abierto un post en GuildWars Guru comentando lo que se dice en esta revista sobre el Nightfall:
Since no one else started it, here's the rundown of what you'll find in the November PC Gamer (with Dervish on Cover, and Back as well!). I will not use direct quotes, images, or anything else copyrighted. I will update this throughout the day, but feel free to help me out by adding stuff yourself.
Those not intererested in the Gray Giant mini-pet should still pick this up. It's a great read, and has lots of cool pictures.
Oh, and this thread contains SPOILERS. You've been warned.
The End of the Trilogy?
Nightfall is "an apocalypse", says Jeff Strain. "It's an endpoint." It will tie up some loose ends from Prophecy and Factions. But don't worry, Chapter 4 is in the works, and hints of what's to come can be found within Nightfall.
Regions of Nightfall
Istan Starting region, themed after ancient Egypt. Contains port of Kamadan, where travelers from other chapters will start.
Kourna: Savannahs and mud huts.
Vabbi: Arabic themed with floating mosques and castles, magical fountains and tapestries with flowing text. SPOILER ALERT: This place will be devastated by the "evil god" at some point.
Desolation: The poison desert, with sulfer pits. You'll even ride giant wurms in this stage to cross the most dangerous parts! (Yes, you control the wurms, getting special "wurm" skills to replace yours!)
Realm of Torment: Hell, basically. Promises to look very gory, pushing the "teen" rating. Will be unmappable, as the fog of exploration persists even after you've "explored" a part of the realm.
Beefier Story / Better Voiceacting
Jeff Grubb writing (from D&D fame), more dialogue trees with NPCs, completing quests will have consequences on gameplay, professional actors hired for voice acting. Drinking and dancing mini-games (or Quests, sounds more like it).
Also, Nightfall is larger than Factions (20 missions vs 15), there will be branching storylines, (although not as extreme as the two Luxon and Kurzick paths in Factions), Three New Challenge Missions and One new Elite Mission (not based on Alliance, but opened at a certain point in game).
Swappable "Inscriptions" and Choosing Mods to Salvage
"Inscriptions" are "inherent bonus modifiers for weapons" and can be transferred among weapons, or sold for gold. Also, no more salvaging what you don't want, you can choose what component you want to salvage.
Templates for Your Characters include Secondary Changer!
You can now assign preset skill and profession builds and switch them in Outposts. "No more hunting through outposts for Profession trainer!" I assume they mean once you unlock a secondary, I can't see GW giving you secondaries for "free." Still, a much requested and needed feature!
12 heroes, can have three a a time, will need specific heroes for some quests. Can upgrade Hero's skills, weapons, armor, and give them secondaries.
"Aggressive," "Defensive" and "Passive" modes, can be sent to to certain areas by placing "flags" on the mini-map. Finally, we can tell a Hero to hold an area!
There's also a list of the names and brief bios of all the Heros, which I won't bore you with. But I will reveal that one of the Heros (Zhed Shadowhoof) is a Centaur! (guess which Hero I want?) I guess you could say I'm a "Zhed Head!" Har, Har. (sorry, not much sleep last night).
300 New Skills
Including some new abilities for Assassin and Ritualist!
Gray Giant Mini-Pet
This has been discussed to death, but how can I have a thread about the November PC Gamer and not include it?
There's an access key printed on page 96. You can add it to your account now, although it won't do anything until the Nightfall World Preview Event on Sept. 22 - 24, or when you install the Nightfall retail key.
* Go to Kamadan, the port city of Elona.
* Type /bonusitems to get "Broken Toy" item.
* Accept "The Toy's Story" quest from NPC Makh, complete quest to get Gray Giant mini-pet.
You can repeat these steps when you get the final release, as all items gotten from the Preview event will be deleted.
En resumen, cosas muy muy interesantes, como por ejemplo que la historia atará los cabos sueltos en el Prophecies y el Factions, o que habrá una zona final tipo el Anillo de Fuego que siempre estará cubierta por la niebla, aún después de haber pasado por esa zona. También dice que tendremos varios caminos para escoger, que habrá una nueva Misión de í‰lite y tres nuevas Coops Competitivas. Y que podremos montar en Gusano, como en Dune!! (madre mia esto como sea verdad )
Comentan que los las secuencias cinematicas seran mas realistas, gracias a que los ''actores'' (nuestros personajes) podran mover la boca y asi hablar a la vez que oimos su voz, y algo de unos mini juegos (?). Podremos por fin controlar a los esbirros en condiciones como ya se comento en otro post, equipandolos con armas, armadura, build, profesion secundaria... etc que nosotros elijamos
También parece que ahora se podrán vender y comprar las bases de las armas y que el reciclaje experto nos dejará escoger qué merjora queremos obtener (por fin..!). También se añadirán plantillas de habilidades + profesión secundaria para poder cambiar con un solo click del ratón la build que llevemos en ese momento en cualquier ciudad, y que habrá más de 300 habilidades nuevas, incluyendo habilidades para Asesino y Ritualista!
No se si esta info está sacada directamente de la revista o sobre algo que el tipo ha leído de algun sitio refiriéndose al artículo, así que no puedo asegurar que esta información sea oficial 100%. Aún así tiene muy buena pinta.
Un saludo ! esto esta que arde !