Frases Graciosas Del Inicio Del Juego

Frases Graciosas Del Inicio Del Juego

NotaAutor: PCIVAN » Lunes, 10 Noviembre 2008, 18:55

no se si os habeis dado cuenta pero cuando iniciamos sacred 2, sale la pantalla con el logotipo del ssacred 2 y empiezan a salir las letras verdes, bien, son tres parrafos de letras verdes, el primero un parrafo normal, el segundo que esta entre los dos parrafos normales y el tercero un parrafo normal.
No se como anda vuestro nivel de inglés, yo se bastante y es buenisimo, porque en la frase que esta entre el 1 y 3 parrafo hay como chistes en ingles que ocupan una linia, ayer mismo, me pongo y en la susodicha linia pone:

``there are three monkey-heads behind you´´ que traducido sugnifica: ``hay 3 cabezas de monos detras tuyo´´

yo a veces me quedo perplejo de este toque de humor en la consola de inicio(letras verdes).

Es bastante curioso. :c8l:
Última edición por PCIVAN el Miércoles, 08 Abril 2009, 14:52, editado 2 veces en total


Re: No Se Si Os Habeis Dado Cuenta

NotaAutor: serafone » Lunes, 10 Noviembre 2008, 20:08

Creo que nadie en todo el foro se había percatado de ello. ¡Gracias!

10 GOTO work
20 RETURN 10
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Registrado: Martes, 23 Mayo 2006, 23:29
Ubicación: The Great Britain
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Re: No Se Si Os Habeis Dado Cuenta

NotaAutor: Darkslig » Lunes, 10 Noviembre 2008, 20:16

Estos programadores frikis... xD

...¿Qué hace un ángel como tú en un infierno como el mío?...
En clave de rol. Mi asociación de Rol en Vivo
Comparto cuenta con Hellzard Tazzardhur :)
Mi fotolog ^^
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Registrado: Lunes, 20 Febrero 2006, 16:47
Ubicación: Invernalia
Género: Hombre

Re: No Se Si Os Habeis Dado Cuenta

NotaAutor: Wind » Lunes, 10 Noviembre 2008, 21:17

serafone Wrote:[sarcasmo]Creo que nadie en todo el foro se había percatado de ello. ¡Gracias![/sarcasmo]

Así mejor.


Re: No Se Si Os Habeis Dado Cuenta

NotaAutor: serafone » Lunes, 10 Noviembre 2008, 22:23

Ay cómo te quiero Wind. Un antebraso mu fuerte pa ti ^^

10 GOTO work
20 RETURN 10
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Mensajes: 9
Registrado: Martes, 23 Mayo 2006, 23:29
Ubicación: The Great Britain
Género: Hombre

Re: No Se Si Os Habeis Dado Cuenta

NotaAutor: Matxakeitor » Martes, 11 Noviembre 2008, 09:46

Te muevo esto a Sacred 2, que lo habías puesto en Off topic

y tomate una tila, que pareces familia de Pocholo xD

(He editado mi post porque había sido un borde, sorry)

(pongo lo de "he editado" porque si no no se nota que lo he hecho)

"Soy bilbaino bilbaino. Allá por donde voy lo digo. Tenemos fama de faroles, sí­, pero faroles que alumbran" (Miguel Álvarez, mi aita)
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Registrado: Viernes, 03 Febrero 2006, 10:57
Ubicación: En el foro, desde octubre del 2004 sin encontrar la salida
Género: Hombre

Algo Gracioso

NotaAutor: mindula » Viernes, 26 Diciembre 2008, 21:27

No se si soy yo, pero cuando se está cargando Sacred 2 (esas letras verdes en la pantalla), al principio de la carga aparece cada vez un chiste, así muy cutrillo, pero que te hace reir??

xD podriamos postear entre todos algunos de ellos


Re: Algo Gracioso

NotaAutor: Guitarrista » Viernes, 26 Diciembre 2008, 21:47

Sacado de

1- Even if you're eaten by a dragon, you still have two ways out.

2- I know what you did last summer...

3- Please wait... Loading T-Energy...

4- Positioning GPS satellites... please stand by...

5- The volume goes to eleven!

6- The game will start when it is ready and not before!

7- You are the weakest link, goodbye!

8- Remember Sacred1 bug #4624...

9- Guru meditation...

10- /* You are not expected to understand this */

11- Computer load this, computer load that, never a thank you... Rude gamers!

12- Now that's what I call a dead parrot

13- Loading errors, please wait...

14- Reset your char to level 1. There are too many high-level chars online...

15- Your soundcard sucks, disabling sound forever...

16- Meditating on the meaning of life...

17- Relax, it's only ones and zeros!

18- Planet 'Bob'?! Can't we just call it 'Earth'?

19- No, this is not a silly message.

20- We're not mental or anything, so don't be afraid...

21- Welcome to Sacred2 30-days trial... hehe... Just kidding!

22- I still know what you did last summer...

23- How sweet to be an idiot...

24- I don't have time to bleed!

25- Please stand by for an important announcement.

26- Cut off his head, I need another ashtray...

27- Your computer is running... You better go chase it.

28- That'll do pig. That'll do.

29- I hate cold ashtrays...

30- Kiss me, I'm an enchanted cactus!

31- I don't need no teenage queen, I just want my seraphim!

32- Loooooooaaaaading...

33- Searching for adult filter...

34- Help! Your keyboard is stuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkk...

35- Drawing beards onto your photographs...

36- Did you know that by reading this message you have wasted 5 seconds of your life?

37- Press any key... No! Not that one!

38- The 'No dieing' sign is now on... Please plan accordingly...

39- Do not include <STDHEADER.H>, use <STDHEADER> instead!

40- 97 bottles of beer... Aaah, you know the rest...

41- To the Petercopter!

42- PI is exactly 3!

43- Freedom for wolves, ban the shepherds!

44- Reverting to Sacred1...

45- Refilling wyvern pass water bottle...

46- Your computer is now an official part of our world domination plan. Thank you!

47- Awaiting starting bribe...

48- So long, and thanks for all the goblins...

49- There's nothing to see here, go ahead...

50- Funny bugreport #13882: Missing effects after stroking down the wand!

51- Evaluation of capabilities indicates a distinct tactical deficiency.

52- I don't care what you did last summer!

53- Ohh... I am loading too slowly? Ok, next time you'll load it yourself!

54- <Singing out of tune>

55- Ere I am J.H.

56- We're against individual mounts! Signed: the horses of Ancaria.

57- Load 'Sacred2',8,1...

58- Searching for available information on dragons - Connecting to Wikipedia...

59- Roses are red, violets are blue, this message could rhyme, but it doesn't...

60- All the doors in Ancaria have been programmed to have a cheery disposition.

61- Warning: Don't try this at home!

62- Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet?

63- Checking hard disk capacity... Sorry, disk is full!

64- Searching for saved game... Not found. Restarting game...

65- Let's play tic-tac-toe instead, I'll be X...

66- Coffee missing. Insert cup and press any key.

67- Loading sprite #546859467... Please wait...

68- Oh my God!

69- Clicking the mouse will not make the game load faster!

70- Looting your fridge...

71- Cut the strings and fly away...

72- GETRANDOMNUMBER: RETURN 4; // Chosen by fair dice roll, guaranteed to be random

73- Funny bugreport #19910: A dagger is called 'Dirk'.

74- Knowledge is a weapon... I intend to be formidably armed.

75- Cannot translate silly message into english...

76- Downloading new silly messages...

77- Blame Canada!

78- <singing> I can't get no... Bug infection...

79- Press Ctrl + Alt + F4 now for an IQ test.

80- Press any key to continue or other key to quit...

81- Guessing user age... Setting Blood level to Toddler!

82- Is this a sword in your hand? No it's just a carrot...

83- We apologize for the fault in the loading screen. The responsible parties have been sacked.

84- Scanning mail folder... Empty... Not even spam mail!

85- I am a cute computer... Really!

86- When you are leaving, please close the door behind you.

87- There is no gas for the chainsaw!

88- Idea for a messagebox: 'This frame was properly rendered'

89- I wish I had a tent with a behaviour...

90- Equipping armor <Load: Inquisitor_Pink_Bunny_Costume_lvl30>

91- You did not call in sick just to play this game, now did you?

92- Oh, you again?

93- If you're gonna ride, ride in style!

94- Reanimating dead monsters...

95- Canceling your wedding - you're note suited for each other...

96- Wait, your seraphim just broke a fingernail! Call an ambulance!

97- This line intentionally left blank.

98- Backup not found: (A)bort, (R)etry, (G)et a beer.

99- The way to the hidden Mordor area is in the seraphim library.

100- Yellow wizard is about to die.

101- As a Computer I find your faith in Technology.......Amusing.

102- Wrong CD Key...This game will now be locked on this computer for ever.

103- Belial's minions grow stronger.

104- Your computer is your friend....Trust the Computer...

105- Wasting some time...

106- Counting to Infinity......Please wait...

107- Removing your equipment...

108- This is not a drill. This is the Apocalypse. Please stay calm and exit the building.

109- Why can't you name a planet 'Bob'?

110- Tuning guitars for Blind Guardian... sh*t, broke a string...

111- Its not a bug but a feature.

112- Don't waste your time looking at the boobs, just hit the frigging monster!

113- Video ram too small, switching to grid display...

114- I'm here to lead, not to bleed!

115- Don't create multiple postings, use the edit button!

116- Only sissy coders need to optimize their code!

117- Life? Don't talk to me about life!

118- Funny bugreport #7753: A highelf who is playing with the ball is needed...

119- Today's special: 2 for 1 at the Dragons' breath inn.

120- Press Alt+F4 for secret weapon.

121- War... War never changes...

122- Searching for illegal software... Just kidding!

123- Stop staring at this message or I will stop loading!

124- Loading 3D buffer... Not that one!

125- Character modeling error - Do you mind bearded Seraphims?

126- I've calculated your chance of survival, but I don't think you'll like it.

127- Shuffling main quest parts...

128- No more heroes available. Do you want to play as a monster? (Y/N)

129- Bacon is my favourite vegetable...

130- Funny bugreport #18892: There is a NPC in the furniture!

131- Corrupting random blocks of memory...

132- Reticulating SPLINES, WTH are SPLINES?

133- Do you really want to start the game? Really? Are you really sure?

134- Press F for fast loading now... Skipped. Proceeding with slow loading...

135- Generating 100 boss monster at starting location...

136- No flash photography allowed in Ancaria!

137- Pausing game until you finish your chores...

138- Gaming is about killing time, not killing people...

139- Ordering pizza online... I hope you like anchovies with pineapple!

140- Entering Zion...

141- Stumbling over cables... *WHAM*... Done.

142- Raytracing sunbeams...

143- Reassembling mobs...

144- Loading more blood and gore...

145- Insert Disc5... Oh, you don't have a Disc5? Ok, filling harddisc with garbage...

146- Wasting energy, please wait...

147- Loading hieroglyph font... Translating all texts into ancient egyptian...

148- Turn around, I'm behind you!

149- No, I don't know where Xardas is. Try somewhere else!

150- Connecting server... Complete. Redirecting character to hardcore PvP arena...

151- Overclocking CPU: 3,0GHz...3,2GHz...3,6GHz... OOPS, I broke your CPU!

152- The Llama is a lie!

153- Funny bugreport #14523: Quest is not finishable!

154- There is a light at the end of the tunnel, just pray it's not a train.

155- Would you like some salt for your easter egg?

156- Please do not feed the dragons!

157- One spatula to flip them all...

158- Back again? Ha, you don't learn, do you?

159- Your hero does not need food, but you do!

160- Access denied - NAH NAH NA NAH NAH!

161- There is no spoon!

162- Chief Justice says 'Sacred2 rulez!'

163- Not now! Can't you see I'm busy? Play something else.

164- We are about to find out if you are a worthy adversary...

165- You won't get this package if you can not ID yoursself!

166- Use the mouse, Luke!


168- Would you like to play a game of... world domination?

169- Hail to the king baby!

170- Insert coin to continue...

171- This may take a while, get yourself some coffee...

172- Uplink to ISS estabilished, downloading weather forecast...

173- How can this task be delayed when i haven't even started working on it?

174- Supplying merchants with useless junk...

175- Press play on tape!

176- Where's my wand?

177- If the game does not start in five minutes... wait longer!

178- Randomizing constants...

179- Funny bugreport #22650: No sound while PC is burning!

180- Due to lack of system resourses, entering slide-show mode...

181- Thou shalt not use the equality operator with floats!

182- Scroll down the list and choose your favourite silly message. I'm too lazy.

183- There's something written about a chance but I don't trust this game...

184- Checking mouse driver... Checking mouse's driving license...

185- Removing dead bodies from previous session...

186- Cheater detected. Loading bunnies...

187- Generating dead undead... Undead dead... uh...

188- Yuck, your keyboard is dirty!

189- Loading Wicked Witch of the West.

190- Warning...Short circuit detected in your Temple Guardian!

191- Loading level 512 monsters...

192- Gort! Klattu Barada Nikto!

193- Your skill in reading is increased by one point!

194- Recommended by 4 out of 5 dentists!

195- We'll be right back after this commercial break...

196- Don't get eaten by a Grue!

197- Don't wake me up, I'm working.

198- Mary had a little lamb... chop. It was really tasty!

199- Save the Earth... its the only planet with chocolate!

200- Operation failed (A)bort, (R)etry, (I)nfluence with large hammer?

201- The past temps us, the present confuses us, and the future frightens us.

202- Do you like scary movies?

203- I wish I had a hammer, a hammer in the morning, a hammer in the evening...

204- A book can also be, a hat...

205- The... no. A... no... wait, sorry, that one sounded better in my head...

206- What are you doing? Stop that!

207- Kosh - Gesundheit!

208- Funny bugreport #18454: Mount seahorse - shot in the ear or head by bow!

209- Implementing Ha-do-ken for Seraphim...

210- Funny bugreport #20991: the ring is lying too obviously!

211- Funny bugreport #14719: according to the romans, the name of the god had to be 'testa'!

212- Funny bugreport #14198: the curse of usability is perverted!

213- Funny bugreport #12842: behaviour is boaring!

214- Funny bugreport #11763: horse - missing flight animation!

215- Funny bugreport #7585: spontaneous light switching looks unbeautiful!

216- Funny bugreport #6470: a bush penetrates a tree!

217- Funny bugreport #2078: unbeautiful changes between stairs and sand!

218- Do not mix varargs with std-containers!

219- If you need to use #pragmas, encapsulate them with #ifdef _msc_ver ... #endif!

220- Never use os specific api functions directly, use a wrapper instead!

221- Hey buddy! need a cheap wifi cable? only 100$!

222- Checking co2 emissions of your computer...

223- Hehehe! You'll never guess what awaits you here!

224- Sorry, no health potions available. good luck, nevertheless!

225- *beep* *beep* *beeeeeeeeep* *beep*!

226- You think sacred2 is going to run on this computer?

227- Are you still in the loading screen? You need a new computer!

228- Awaiting starting bribe...

229- Deleting all other games on the computer...

230- Deleting previously saved games...

231- Reducing character's life points by half...

232- ...gnidaol

233- Loading random hidden killer boss...

234- Go to spriegel the schmitzel wertzen or something to that effect!

235- Two wrongs don't make a right, but three rights make a left!

236- How long can you withstand dragon breath again?

237- Security device enclosed.

238- Our easter edition comes with bucket-loads of easter eggs!

239- West of house. there is a small mailbox here. exits are east and south.

240- Another visitor... stay a while... stay forever!

241- Wireframe mode activated...

242- Is there life on mars?

243- Do you want to continue? (Y)es, (N)o, (M)aybe

244- Incredible... it's even worse than i thought it would be.

245- An enum is an enum is an enum!

246- Ze smelten de kazen!

247- Mysle ja jestem paranoik!

248- Oh, this highelf mount is so cute... mind if i borrow it?

249- Buddy, fight the good fight!

250- Inflating rubber swords...

251- Tuning guitars for 'blind guardian'... oops, dropped the bass...

252- Good. Out of the door. Line on the left. One cross each. Next. Crucifixion?

253- Oh you're no fun anymore.

254- It seems that your mouse pointer is trying to move, ©ancel or (A)llow?

255- Oops... No, dryads can't swim.

256- We got ur char. Place 1000000 gold in barrel next 2 the blacksmith, no police!

257- Mommy, there's a monster in front of my screen!

258- Load it yourself, you slave driver!

259- Eek! A mouse! Plug it out! Eek! It's full of bytes!

260- Walking in ancaria... brrrzzzlll Gugnir is back!

261- You look rather silly staring at this screen...

262- No milk and no Sacred makes the testers... come up with silly msgs like this one!

263- Searching for the backstone, please wait!

264- Ladescreen wird mit 'grosser hammer' gehauen, bitte warten...

265- Remember rock'n'roll radio...

266- Mc hammer is not Lars hammer...

267- Call 911 for support...

268- Next time you better buy some potions! karl ranseier is dead...

269- Where do you want to kill today?

270- ****, can't find this silly message file...

271- Please return to your home sir, this area is under guard!

272- It's okay to call hooters 'knockers' and sometimes 'snack trays.'

273- Are you sure you can still see the real world as real world?

274- Kg & Jb... keep on rocking, you guys rule!

275- Never seen such a big... never mind...

276- I'm sensing a soul in search of answers...

277- Warning! your computer will self destruct in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1... <kaboom>

278- Warning! Cpu temperature reaching critical... Shutting system down...

279- Don't you have better things to do then reading silly messages?

280- There is a hole... in your mind.

281- The past tempts us, the present confuses us, and the future frightens us.

282- Do not try the patience of wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger!

283- Who wants to live forever? Well... I wouldn't mind giving it a try!

284- Understanding is a three edged sword... our side, their side and the truth!

285- Who are you?

286- The psi corps is your friend, trust the corps!

287- You must return to the beginning of the end...

288- And so it begins...

289- I so wanted to call my weapon lars' hammer, but chickened out, lmao!

290- Attention! This game can change your personality into evil...

291- Purple was here...

292- Mmmm... T-energy! <drool>

293- This item is not mouseable.

294- You're part of the game now...

295- Yum... I've eaten your character!

296- Randomizing your character's name...

297- Activating coffee-machine...

298- Beware! Objects in sacred2 are closer then they appear!

299- The red pill or the blue pill?

300- Warning: T-energy breakout detected!

301- We're working on the documentation...

302- Disc full - press f1 to belch!

303- Backup not found: (A)bort, (R)etry, (P)anic

304- Cannot find reality.sys... universe halted.

305- Stupid is what stupid does.

306- Can i interest anyone in fruit or dessert?

307- There's a fine line between genius and insanity. I have erased this line.

308- Look behind you, a three-headed monkey!

309- Do not disturb, system is disturbed already!

310- At some point we'll have our own options.txt, son. one day...

311- It's you again! don't you ever sleep?

312- Press x to attack and o to jump...

313- Transforming your character into a seraphim...

314- No boom today! boom tomorrow! there's always a boom tomorrow.

315- Dude, where's my car?

316- Don't push me. I'm doing my best, but your machine... tztztz...

317- Seraphim for president!

318- So you want to be evil... Well, i can be evil too. Setting enemy level to 999!

319- Deactivating your firewall... Please wait...

320- If you're gonna ride, ride in style!

321- Swiper no swiping!

322- No-one is making you live on 'Bob'

323- You can't call a planet 'bob'!?

324- For sale: dragon-proof armor, used once, slightly scorched...

325- Health warning: you have been playing for 12 seconds...

326- How can this task be delayed when i haven't even started working on it?

327- When it's done! got it?

328- Keep clicking until i say stop!

329- Save the world, eat more goblins!

330- Would you mind, if i replace the endboss' face with yours?

331- Find more easter eggs...

332- Two beer or not two beer...

323- W00t, high settings? With your computer? Rofl!

324- Detected system: windows 3.11 - switching screen resolution to 320x480 pixels.

325- The only trainers you are allowed to use are your trousers!

326- You don't need a mouse, do you? Good, because it did just break...

327- If you have a slow pc, you are able to learn every silly message by heart...

328- Hello mr. Anderson!

329- What are you doing? Stop that!

330- Pixelshader upgraded to powerpyxelshader...

331- Blocker found! Buddy, open the door!

332- It's done, when it's done! calm down, i am loading...

333- Please insert sacred cd1 and restart application! ... hehe, got you!

334- Oh my god, you killed benny!

335- No, i'm not a seraphim, i just like to dress this way!

336- Failed to load quests, i will now try to create some on my own...

337- Equipping one hit weapons to random enemies...

338- Starting your mp3s... Argh, i can't listen to this anymore, go get some new songs!

339- Activating back-to-desktop service...

340- You fight like a dairy farmer!

341- Press y+m+q+enter+space with one hand to continue.

342- Deleting all celine dion mp3s...

343- Loading mp3 playlist...

344- Access denied, please enter your id again...

345- Dragon inc. is looking for talented junior partners. Call 0800-fire.

346- Schnieeeeeeeepel!

347- Once upon a time...

348- Man, what a mess on your harddisc...

349- <missing silly message>

350- Loading tombstone engravings...

351- Two regions are closed for maintenance today.

352- One region is closed for maintenance today.

353- We don't have bugs, we have dragons!

354- I want to be a lumberjack!

355- This message is intended not to be funny.

356- You passed!

357- Omg, you're a replicant!

358- Running voight-kampff test...

359- Your Oma is now pwned by Studio II!

360- Sacred2 has been uninstalled successfully... not!

361- Congratulations, you just have won $3500! click here to claim your prize... not!

362- Get back to work! Oh, you have... come back!

363- Uploading user fingerprints to nsa computer...

364- Sponsored by the umbrella corporation.

365- Please turn off your monitor to continue.

366- Loading will continue after a short message from our sponsors.

367- Save the seraphim, save the world!

368- Loading is booooring...

369- I am so lonely...

370- All bugs will be recorded for training purposes.

371- Free coffee and applestrudel, offer expired yesterday.

372- Deleting unique items, please wait...

373- I don't know what you're talking about, there is no game here...

374- Tthere is too much cpu usage in zlib.dll!

375- I have the power of... of... what's my line again?

376- Trust me on this... don't tickle the dragons!

377- Yeah but no but yeah but no but yeah but no...

378- Computer says 'no'!

379- I invented the 'hello world' program!

380- Spiderpig, spiderpig...

381- Cookiegirl is the best!

382- iddqd

383- Here i am, brain the size of a planet, and they ask me to load files.

384- Who is responsible for these silly messages?

385- Wasn't it called 'path of glory' instead of 'path of gory'?

386- Cpu says you should not start those boring office programs anymore.

387- What do you think i am doing? loading the game?

388- It's a snark! no, it's a boo-...

389- Let's ride some trojan horses...

390- Killing some bugs, please wait...

391- Generating god.exe...

392- To infinity and beyond!

393- Zulu meditation...

394- Hiding easter eggs...

395- Be sure to visit the gift shop on your way out.

396- 98 bottles of beer on the wall...

397- 99 bottles of beer on the wall...

398- Loading loadingscreen...

399- Stop pushing that button!

400- May contain nuts.

401- Be right back...

402- Emergency exits are here, here, and here... hey, look here!

403- No, i cannot load any faster!

404- Trust me, it would have never worked between us...

405- Sacred2: the most bug free sacred ever!

406- Loading big, giant axe...

407- Follow the white rabbit.

408- All your base are belong to us.

409- Loading dopefish...

410- Downloading seraphim DNA to your computer...

411- d'oh!

412- Loading bluescreen...

413- Hit any user to continue.

414- General Failure's fault. Not yours.

415- Destroying brain cells... 15 percent... 50 percent... duuh...

416- Whats that behind you???

417- Unloading silly messages, not silly enough! Loading silly messages...

418- This game never has bugs. It just develops random features!

Poetry Puzzle

Poetry #1: ... There was an Admin named Buck...
Poetry #1: ... Who everyone wanted to chuck...
Poetry #1: ... He kept coming back...
Poetry #1: ... After getting the sack...
Poetry #1: ... Hope he stays in the grave full of muck!...

Poetry #2: ... There once was a moron named John...
Poetry #2: ... Unable to keep his pants on...
Poetry #2: ... He found a young tart...
Poetry #2: ... Thought he was smart...
Poetry #2: ... His wife found out all, now he's gone.

Poetry #3: ... There was an admin named Chuck...
Poetry #3: ... His posts were a matter of luck...
Poetry #3: ... He didn't mind...
Poetry #3: ... As one of a kind...
Poetry #3: ... He was a really good... schmuck.

Poetry #4: ... It was nearly as bad as it sounded...
Poetry #4: ... By his mother he has been confounded...
Poetry #4: ... All he could do was gripe...
Poetry #4: ... He certainly could not type...
Poetry #4: ... From his computer the mod was grounded...

Poetry #5: ... The dev sounded like a teacher...
Poetry #5: ... When he spoke of the amazing creature...
Poetry #5: ... Death to you in one hit, it will...
Poetry #5: ... Supposed to make you feel a chill...
Poetry #5: ... It's not a bug, it's a feature!

Poetry #6: ... One mod became quite a chore...
Poetry #6: ... His grave had a revolving door...
Poetry #6: ... Quick to attack...
Poetry #6: ... We put him back...
Poetry #6: ... Quoth the raven, nevermore.

Poetry #7: ... It's something you already knew...
Poetry #7: ... Certainly nothing you can do...
Poetry #7: ... Early or late...
Poetry #7: ... Ignore the date...
Poetry #7: ... A patch arrives when it's meant to...

Poetry #8: ... While coding is not much fun...
Poetry #8: ... Often you feel under the gun...
Poetry #8: ... It's not a sin...
Poetry #8: ... To say with a grin...
Poetry #8: ... It'll be released when it's done.

Poetry #9: ...
Poetry #9: ... When asked why do we wait...
Poetry #9: ... You answer it's not that late...
Poetry #9: ... You may make think yourself clever...
Poetry #9: ... You'll get it before Duke Nukem Forever!

Poetry #10: ... There once was a knight from Ancaria...
Poetry #10: ... Who suffered from mild hysteria...
Poetry #10: ... He'd run from the fight...
Poetry #10: ... E'en with all his might...
Poetry #10: ... That poor little knight from Ancaria...

Poetry #11: ... There once was a dragon of ice...
Poetry #11: ... He was cool, but not very nice...
Poetry #11: ... He's protected by ice giants...
Poetry #11: ... Ghosts, goblins and things flying...
Poetry #11: ... And the lag there would make you think twice.

Poetry #12: ... There once was player in hardcore...
Poetry #12: ... Who thought he was playing in softcore...
Poetry #12: ... Until when he died...
Poetry #12: ... Could not play, though he tried...
Poetry #12: ... And alas, his poor toon, it was no more...

Poetry #13: ... There once was a knight from mascarell...
Poetry #13: ... Who bathed in the town's only well...
Poetry #13: ... He'd bathe every night...
Poetry #13: ... After done with his fights...
Poetry #13: ... 'tis why the water there doesn't taste swell.

Poetry #14: ... There once was a zombie from Mascarel...
Poetry #14: ... He saw a knight bathing in the town's well...
Poetry #14: ... He laughed at the sight...
Poetry #14: ... And whispered to the knight...
Poetry #14: ... Seems my toilet is your bathtub as well!

Poetry #15: ... There once was a civilized orc...
Poetry #15: ... He ate with a knife and a fork...
Poetry #15: ... He drank from a cup...
Poetry #15: ... With his pinky pointing up...
Poetry #15: ... But his friends thought he was a dork.

Poetry #16: ... A gladiator once lost a bet...
Poetry #16: ... And had to wear the full xrystal's set...
Poetry #16: ... His chest was shaved bare...
Poetry #16: ... Flowers placed in his hair...
Poetry #16: ... And many offers of marriage did he get!

Poetry #17: ... There once was a mage with a staff...
Poetry #17: ... So tiny, it made us all laugh...
Poetry #17: ... He waved it one day...
Poetry #17: ... To scare monsters away...
Poetry #17: ... And ended up bitten in half.

Poetry #18: ... There once was a knight with a pain...
Poetry #18: ... Who cried out oh no not again...
Poetry #18: ... A dragon, five goblins...
Poetry #18: ... Four elves and an Orc...
Poetry #18: ... Have trampled all over my brain...

Si el Rock ha muerto, temedme, porque he sobrevivido.™

Cañas pendientes: Beliagal, Matxakeitor, Art-Hur, Rocker, Klender, Acongorrozeta, Klorzo, Radagast, BlanChard, FoxAstur, Yoshi, Serafone, Cinabrius, Angel, Bechoman, Wolfy, Torkan, Elezan.

(Si notas que faltas en el birrómetro, no dudes en avisarme)
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Mensajes: 110
Registrado: Miércoles, 27 Agosto 2008, 21:30
Ubicación: Miranda del Ebrio
Género: No especificado

Re: Algo Gracioso

NotaAutor: mindula » Sábado, 27 Diciembre 2008, 10:21

diooos, gracias xD lool....


Re: Algo Gracioso

NotaAutor: Guitarrista » Sábado, 27 Diciembre 2008, 13:26

No me las he leído todas, pero hay alguna muy buena.

408 es un clásico, La del Petercoptero y spidercerdo un puntazo, y la de los Ramones: Do You Remember Rock 'n roll Radio?

Ah, se me olvidó comentarlo: AVISO: TOCHOPOST

Si el Rock ha muerto, temedme, porque he sobrevivido.™

Cañas pendientes: Beliagal, Matxakeitor, Art-Hur, Rocker, Klender, Acongorrozeta, Klorzo, Radagast, BlanChard, FoxAstur, Yoshi, Serafone, Cinabrius, Angel, Bechoman, Wolfy, Torkan, Elezan.

(Si notas que faltas en el birrómetro, no dudes en avisarme)
Avatar de Usuario
Mensajes: 110
Registrado: Miércoles, 27 Agosto 2008, 21:30
Ubicación: Miranda del Ebrio
Género: No especificado


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